All about the FOREX Market The History of Forex. The relationship of FOREX to other markets. Forex trading basics.
Welcome to Performance Foreign Exchange Corporation -- An online FX trading company and member of the SolidGold Group.
Welcome to Performance Foreign Exchange Corporation -- An online FX trading company and member of the SolidGold Group. Welcome to Performance Foreign Exchange Corporation -- An online FX trading company and member of the SolidGold Group. Welcome to Performance Foreign Exchange Corporation -- An online FX trading company and member of the SolidGold Group. Welcome to Performance Foreign Exchange Corporation -- An online FX trading company and member of the SolidGold Group.
Company Profile - What Performance Forex does, who are the people behind Performance Forex that makes it the most effective group for this particular business. Who are Performance Forex's affiliates that makes it a strong, globally competitive company.All About The Forex MarketAll documents pertaining to your account, such as trading rules, deposit notice, and widthrawal forms.FX Trading Tools - to help you decide on the best trade of the day.FX Trading Tools - to help you decide on the best trade of the day.Here's how to contact us if you have questions, technical difficulties, or if you want to open an account.All About The Forex Market
Watch the Bloomberg interview of one of Performance Forex's currency analysts - you need Windows media Player to use this feature - See our downloads section if you don't have the player.

Introduction to FOREX
A brief history of the development of the global financial system and the foreign exchange market. From ancient money changing, to the gold standard, floating rate regimes and recent trends.

Intermarket Overview
The foreign exchange market with respect to stocks, bonds, and commodities. From understanding its role in international trade to becoming a vehicle for investing and speculation.

FX Trading Basics
How do you trade Spot Foreign Exchange Markets? FX Trading Basics introduces key concepts and terminologies in the foreign exchange markets, from understanding prices to capitalizing currency movement.

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