High risk warning: Foreign exchange trading carries a high level of risk that may not be suitable for all investors. Leverage creates additional risk and...
Bloomberg (gated) ask the question: The yuan weakening past a level that China had been defending throughout December has returned the spotlight to its daily...
RBC projects the USD/CNY exchange rate to rise to 7.55 by year-end. Analysts at the bank cite: weak economic prospects for China, the economy remains...
This builds from Eamonn’s post earlier: The yuan has hit its highest since mid-October 2022 (using its trade-weighted value) According to the CFETS, which is...
Investing.com– Most Asian currencies moved in a flat-to-low range on Thursday as the prospect of slower U.S. interest rate cuts in 2025 kept traders averse...
The CFETS RMB Index (often referred to as the “yuan CFETS Index”) is a trade-weighted currency index published by the China Foreign Exchange Trade System...
High risk warning: Foreign exchange trading carries a high level of risk that may not be suitable for all investors. Leverage creates additional risk and...