Trading Tools and ResourcesArgentina’s Shale: Time to Drill, Baby, Drill?adminFffFF0or31rMarch 6, 2025 by adminFffFF0or31rMarch 6, 202508 America’s prolific shale basins are running out of their best wells, but Argentina’s Vaca Muerta is just getting started. Will pro-business regulation be enough to...
Market AnalysisICYMI on Oil – U.S. shale industry and Saudi Arabia tell Trump they won't boost outputadminFffFF0or31rFebruary 3, 2025 by adminFffFF0or31rFebruary 3, 2025018 The Wall Street Journal is gated, but if you can access it, the story is here: U.S. Frackers and Saudi Officials Tell Trump They Won’t...