Italy’s construction output increased for the third straight month in November, according to the provisional data released by the statistical office Istat on Monday. Construction...
Italy’s industrial production increased for the second straight month in November, data from the statistical office ISTAT showed on Tuesday. Industrial output rose 0.3 percent...
Italy’s retail sales decreased unexpectedly for the second straight month in November, preliminary data from the statistical office ISTAT reported Friday. The sales value dropped...
Services PMI 50.7 vs. 50.3 expected and 49.2 prior. Composite PMI 49.7 vs. 47.7 prior. Key findings: Renewed, albeit only marginal rise in services activity....
It’s an improvement to the month before but remains in contraction territory, with both output and new orders also slipping in December. HCOB notes that:...
Italy’s non-EU trade surplus declined in November from a year ago, as imports grew faster than exports, preliminary data from the statistical office Istat showed...